20. september 2023

Kontorpresentasjon: Jonathan Tuckey Design (UK)

Bergen arkitektforening
Bergen arkitektforening har gleden av å invitere arkitektkontoret Jonathan Tuckey Design til kontorpresentasjon den 20. september!
Kontoret holder til i London og har siden det ble etablert (2000), opparbeidet seg et internasjonalt renommé for deres arbeid med eksisterende bygg og strukturer. Vi gleder oss til å få et innblikk i deres arbeider! Presentasjonen blir på engelsk!
Du finner oss på Landmark den 20. september klokken 19.00.
Materials in concert with their context.
Jonathan Tuckey Design explores the cultural, social and emotional connections formed with buildings over time. The practice has become expert in transforming existing structures, through adaptive reuse of built fabric, and pioneering sustainable construction methods. They produce buildings that are rooted in their environment, layering modern interventions in a sensitive and tactile approach to architecture that aims to elevate historic materials and define contemporary spaces for living, working and learning.
In this lecture Jonathan Tuckey will discuss his studios ethos and examples from their portfolio where materiality has been critical in anchoring projects within a diverse array of landscapes. From transforming a cod liver oil factory into a cultural venue in the arctic circle, to completing a new school theatre in rural England, sensitive material choices have always been at the forefront of the practices methodology.
Jonathan Tuckey biography
Jonathan founded his design practice in 2000 having previously worked for David Chipperfield Architects and Fletcher Priest Architects. Jonathan Tuckey Design is now a team of 23, with studios in London, Andrermatt and Tokyo, specialising in combining contemporary intervention with layers of built heritage.
Jonathan’s studio has worked on commissions such as the King’s Cross Gasholders, Michelberger Hotel in Berlin, Trevarefabrikken hotel and venue in Norway, The David Brownlow Theatre in Berkshire and Wachthuus, a restaurant and ski lodge in Switzerland.
Additionally, Jonathan Tuckey Design initiate social enterprise projects – providing pro bono feasibility studies and outline designs to kickstart the visions of charities, educational institutions and arts venues. To date we have collaborated with the Southbank Centre on an archive studio, the charity Deaf Action for their office in Edinburgh and Acland Burghley School in north London.
Furthering the practice’s neighbourhood outreach, the studio set up Building on the Built, an ongoing series of public talks hosted at their London office.

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